Using Audiobooks to Keep Up on That Reading List
This year I switched from commuting to work on a train to driving to work. When I was catching the train, I had up 90 minutes to read per day 5 days to a week. Although my commute was shortened driving, I lost this "captive" time which allowed me to read frequently and often.
I started using audiobooks. I could not read while driving, but I could listen to someone read to me. You'll find there are many activities you do when you have free brain cycles to learn. Personally, I have seen my comprehension has not suffered, there is evidence to support this.
Getting Audiobooks
Audiobooks being inherently digital, I have found there is no desire to collect them. I doubt I would want to listen to them again such as music nor is there a desire to refer to them like a physical book.
Where Is Netflix/Spotify?
Unfortunately, there isn't much choice in the audiobook subscription market which makes it easy to binge listen to audiobooks. Sites like give you credit per month to use and a discount on other audiobooks in their catalogue. is a notable exception with an all you can eat model.
Free As In Beer
Thankfully there are many free resources available. For books in the public domain, many sites cater to making this information accessible such as, and Internet Archive.
The most valuable resource though has been my city's library. Brisbane Library grants access to several audiobook providers, usually via a phone app. The disadvantage is you will sometimes have to put the book on hold and wait your turn to access. It is also a library, so you have a limited timeframe to listen to the book.
Playing Audiobooks
If the audiobook isn't from one of the apps, I've been using Smart Audiobook Player on my phone. The full version is free for the first 30 days. Afterwards, it has reduced functionality. It does not contain ads. It has never had an issue with playing any of the audiobooks I've thrown at it. If I receive a phone call, it stops and resumes where I was when I hang up. The full version is only $2.89, it's such a great app you want to buy it.
As my phone is my player, I have it always available. At my desk, noise cancelling bluetooth headphones are a great way to block out the noise and concentrate on your work while listening to an audiobook. While driving my phone is connected to my car stereo, and I listen to a book instead of the radio.
Happy Reading Listening!